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blank window?


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Is it normal behaviour for gadgets on windows XP to be accompanied by a completely blank extra window that when closed, closes all the associated gadgets?

I was hoping that there is a plan to remove the extra window if possible, and also hopefully not show each gadget in the Alt-Tab process list? I suppose that might not be too easy though.



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>> Is it normal behaviour for gadgets on windows XP to be accompanied by a completely blank extra window that when closed, closes all the associated gadgets?

We have fixed this bug in our current build, we expect to upload a new build in the next couple of weeks. If you or others want to test it sooner than this we can make it available.

>> and also hopefully not show each gadget in the Alt-Tab process list? I suppose that might not be too easy though.

We understand that when creating several desktop gadgets, these windows may clutter the UI. One of the things we did to alleviate this is that all floating gadgets will not appear in the task bar.

Your suggestion is great as the alt-tab list also gets crowded with gadgets. We have a new parameter tentative called ToolWindow that would hide gadgets from the alt-tab process list. As it is right now you can combine it with floating or you can use it on its own. Although the ToolWindow name may not be intuitive, turning this style seems to be the way to get a window hidden from alt-tab and if you do not use floating, the caption will in fact be the one used for Tool Windows (e.g. toolbars, etc.).

We are also considering whether this flag should be automatically used for floating gadgets.

Any feedback on this behavior (naming, defaults, etc.) would be greatly appreciated.


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