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Data refresh not working


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I am using Power Gadget Creator. I have two components in a gadget. The first one is a digital panel and the second one is aline chart. The refresh rate of the digital panel is set to 5sec and for the chart it is 5 mins. Both the components are pulling data from a sql DB.

The problem is the digitl panel is refreshing ok but the chart is not refreshing. I have to refresh the chart manually (from the pop up menu) to get the updated data.

I am using the latest version i.e. 1.0.2508.35823.

Please help.

 Thanks in advance,


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How many points does the chart has at the begining? We have different refresh strategies when we see a chart with multiple points against a chart with just one. 

Can you please try creating a gadget that contains only the chart, we have fixed some refresh issues in multi-components gadgets so this would let us know if you are experiencing a related problem.

If you want to test a newer build please send a message to support at powergadgets dot com and mention this thread, we will be uploading a new build in the next couple of weeks but we can make it available.



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