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Out-Chart to Send-Mail


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I tried out the sample expression to pipe Out-chart to Send-Mail and it works just fine. However, it only will send the default .png format of the chart. If I try to use -output and specify a bmp file, I don't get the bitmap version of the chart, only the png.  I can get around this by splitting the expressions so that out-chart creates the bmp and then I use send-mail to send it as an attachment. But I would think I should be able to combine the two.


We thought nobody would care much about this because bmps are not compressed so may not be too suitable for email. I am guessing that you are using a particular email client that does not support png.

Our next public build will support the output parameter when sending email (wmf will not be supported at this time, only bmp and png). An addtional advantage of -output is that we will use the file name to name the attachment, e.g.

out-chart -output MyChart.bmp | send-mail ...

This will send the email including the attachment as a bitmap named MyChart. Note that we will be using a content type of "image/x-windows-bmp", please let us know if you think this content type will not work for you.




The output format isn't really the issue, although I'm surprised nobody wants a jpg format.  My comment was that since the cmdlet supports multiple file formats, I'd like to be able to specify the format when piping to send-mail.


Jpg looks really bad with line art such as bar/line/area charts so the only reason to support it would be for some app that does not support png or bitmap. We will support it if customers demand it.

We appreciate your feedback



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