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out-map parameter aliases/shortcuts


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OK, these are not really parameter aliases, but just "shortcuts"...

Would you rather type this:

PS C:\> import-csv country.csv|out-map -mapsource World\WorldCountries -title test -label Country -values Points -conditionalattributes_0_condition_from 0 -conditionalattributes_0_condition_to 10 -conditionalattributes_0_color Red -conditionalattributes_0_text "0 to 10" -conditionalattributes_1_condition_from 11 -conditionalattributes_1_condition_to 20 -conditionalattributes_1_color Blue -conditionalattributes_1_text "11 to 20" -palette "highcontrast"

Or this:

PS C:\> .\out-map2.ps1 -csv country.csv -map_world -la Country -va Points -from_0 0 -to_0 10 -co_0 Red -te "0 to 10" -from_1 11 -to_1 20 -co_1 Blue -te_1 "11 to 20" -pa "highcontrast"

Email me at marcoDOTshawATgmailDOTcom and I'll send you the Powershell script.  Posting it here doesn't format it very well.


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