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PowerGagdets out-gauge bug


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The problem is that get-process (ps) is returning CPU for ALL the processes in your machine, if you do out-chart instead of out-gauge you will see a chart showing CPU with many processes. The out-gauge cmdlet displays a single value in a radial, vertical, horizontal and digital panel gauge so you must first filter the variable you want to plot. If you type the following script:

 ps | select ProcessName,CPU | where {$_.ProcessName -eq "System"} | out-gauge -value CPU

It will create and display the gauge. You just need to know which process you want to monitor and change the name in the where cmdlet.



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Have you tried with other Process properties (e.g. WorkingSet, HandleCount). CPU is kind of special, if you do ps | get-member you will notice that most properties's MemberType are "Property" but CPU, Company and others are "ScriptProperty".

Script properties are injected by PowerShell and we have had issues before with those properties. I would also recommend installing our most recent build.

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