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Chart Binding Issue


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This could very well be an error on my part but I am getting an Null Reference error when attempting to data bind a ObservableCollection<T> to a Chart control in WPF.  I am attempting to drill down into an object contained in my collection as follows:


  <cfx:Chart         ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}"         Gallery="Line">           <cfx:Chart.AxisX>           <cfx:Axis>             <cfx:Axis.Labels>               <cfx:AxisLabelAttributes                 Format="Date"                 CustomFormat="M/d H:mm" />             </cfx:Axis.Labels>           </cfx:Axis>         </cfx:Chart.AxisX>         <cfx:Chart.Series>           <cfx:SeriesAttributes             BindingPath="TChildProperty.Property1"             BindingPathX="TChildProperty.CompletedOn" />           <cfx:SeriesAttributes             BindingPath="TChildProperty.Property2"             BindingPathX="TChildProperty.CompletedOn" />           <cfx:SeriesAttributes             BindingPath="TChildProperty.Property3"             BindingPathX="TChildProperty.CompletedOn" />         </cfx:Chart.Series>       </cfx:Chart>


Where "Collection" is my ObservableCollection<T> and "T" is my type in the ObservableCollection.  "TChildProperty" is a property from "T" and is an object itselft.  The properties off of "TChildProperty" are all valid and everything is populated.  Here is my stack trace:


at bk..ctor(Type A_0, String A_1)\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.Internal.ColumnGetter.Detect(Object obj, Type type, String name)\r\n at ao.a(Object A_0, Object A_1, Type A_2, Int32 A_3)\r\n at b3.a(Object A_0, Object A_1, Type A_2, Int32 A_3)\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.DataValues.a(IEnumerable A_0, Int32 A_1, Int32 A_2, NotifyCollectionChangedAction A_3, IIndexedCollection`1 A_4, bq A_5)\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.DataValues.a(IEnumerable A_0, Int32 A_1, Int32 A_2, NotifyCollectionChangedAction A_3, bq A_4)\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.DataValues.a(bq A_0, Boolean A_1)\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.Chart.av()\r\n at ChartFX.WPF.Chart.a(Object A_0, RoutedEventArgs A_1)\r\n at ........



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