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installing available extentions


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I require a trend line on a graph.

Apparantly the best way to do this is by using chartfx statistical extensions

How do I install this extension.?

My resource centre page informs me the extensions are available. But not installed

Does it require that I pay extra??

or do I just need to configure something somewhere?

how do i install these extensions?


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ok downloaded and installed. Still not sure what is free and what I have to pay for after the trial expires.?

nayway. I add the extension (stats) to a chart. and get an error when I click "configure statistics" object reference not set to an instance of an object.


what does that mean...?


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In regards your questions about pricing, you need to have a full [Chart FX 7.0 + Chart FX Extensions Pack] license, this will provide you with a license for one developer and one production server, you also need additional [Chart FX 7.0 + Chart FX Extensions Pack] licenses if you need to license more developer and/or more production servers.  For pricing please visit http://www.softwarefx.com/sfxOrder/pricing.aspx<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

As far as the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", please check that you have download the Extensions pack for Chart FX 7.0 notice that there are two versions.

In addition, follow these instructions:

-Remove all the Chart FX references from your application.

-Delete the Chart control from the aspx page.

-Then add the chart control to the aspx page. When you add the Chart control, all the chartfx references should be added to the application.

-Build and run the application. Let me know what happens.

Finally, check the file version of dlls in the following locations.

C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\bin

C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\ChartFX70\Download

C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\ChartFX70\PSS\bin

C:\Program Files\Chart FX 7\PSS (there's just the PSS service application here).

Make sure all the files (dlls) have the file version 7.0.2893 (service pack version). Also, the installation folder might be Chart FX for visual Studio 2005 (instead of Chart FX 7) in your machine.

If some of this dlls are missing, you should uninstall Chart FX and re-install, then try a brand new sample to confirm the installation is ok.

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