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Problems after upgrading


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I have upgraded to the latest version of chartfx for windows forms (visual studio 2005) AKA fx7

I have lost the toolbox container

I can no langer add charts to my project

Should I uninstall and reinstall?? 



tollbox. Visual studio design IDE tab called "toolbox" has categorised iems in it eg "common controls" , "data", "general",  "'containers", "crystal reports", "printing". Usually there is a group called Chartfx.

this gets done for you during the chartfx setup. Why it dissappears I don't know.

Any way I have uninstalled the poduct and reinstalled it.

The toolbox items have been fixed so no problem anymore. I can add charts succesfully

Now I have an ongoing problem. In run time the chart does not display the same as in design time. eg Multiple panels are missing data, bars and lines get mixed up. 




> Now I have an ongoing problem. In run time the chart does not display the same as in design time

Are you executing any code that changes the chart? The culprit should be in this code.

Please post a complete sample that reproduces the behavior.


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