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Statistic component & command ID


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I've to remove some tool buttons in the chart control.

The code snippet works fine for normal commands


Command cmd = chart1.ToolBarObj.Commands[(int)SoftwareFX.ChartFX.CommandID.Gallery];

int index = 0;index = cmd.FindSubCommandID((int)SoftwareFX.ChartFX.CommandID.Candlestick);

if (index > -1) cmd.RemoveSubCommand(index);

It's plausible that there are no CommandIDs for 'statistical Studies' nor the statistical gallery types in ChartFX.CommandID, but

where can I find those IDs?


It seems that I not see the forest for the trees


best regards


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Hi Frank,

 I want to remove all statistic gallery types except 'BoxAndWhisker' also the 'statistic studies' button should be removed in the toolbar.

I figured out that e.g. 'Histogramm Chart' has an ID = 29954, but it is unstable to code it like this (because of upcoming changes). I would prefer a saver way, if ther is one.


best regards


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This is actually not as easy at it seems.

The problem is that these commands are added by the extension dynamically when it is attached to the chart. So even if you remove them they will be re-added when the extension re-attaches.

The extension re-ataches in many situations, one of the most common ones is during serialization. When you save the chart settings (either through the Export method or through personalization) the extensions get detached before saving and re-attached afterwords.

At this moment there is no API to tell the statistical extension not to add certain galleries or toolbar options so there is no reliable way or removing these options.

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