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Chart FX for Reporting Services VS SQL Reporting Services - Need Help

Josif Dishliev

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Hi all,

I am a project manager for a software company developing CRM solutions for the financial industry. We are currently working on a new, web-based version. Our product will have a dashboard section with a Reporting Server at the backend. I'm doing research to establish whether we need a 3rd party charting component, such as Chart FX, or the built-in charting engine of SQL Reporting Services will do.

I saw and very much liked the Chart FX gallery but I don't have any charts prepared with Reporitng Services (we don't have a Reporting Server set up yet). I also reviewed the SQL/Chart FX feature comparison table which was quite helpful. However, I need a more visual comparison.

So, my question is: Can someone please send or give me a link where I can see how a Reporting Services chart looks like in order to compare it to the Chart FX charts. If we're to buy Chart FX, I want to make sure that it's really a must-have for us and not just bells and whistles:))

My email is josif@netagesolutions.com

Thanks in advance,


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You can google some Reporting Services chart screenshots but that will only show you a basic look. If you want to really determine the value of using our Chart FX for Reporting Services, I recommend you to install SSRS and compare the look, ease of use and features side by side.



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I agree with IG. Here is the link for the trial download:


In addition, here is very descriptive feature comparison grid with all the available features:


As far as looks, Chart FX can look very classic or very modern by setting a few properties via its Smart Tags. In addition, Chart FX Gauges now is included on the Chart FX Reporting Service products so the options now have been extended. For images in regards all the features visit:


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