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Evaluating the control


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I am looking for scattered chart functionality and few other graphs. Evaluating this for purchase.

- Can this display custom popup when user hovers on a shape on a scattered graph? The popup will have a snippet of details and some navigation control that will take the user to details when clicked.

- Is this control AJAX enabled? Does it work fine inside ATLAS update panel?

Thank you.


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Thank you for considering Chart FX.

The answer to both of your questions is yes. We support drill-down capabilities and we are an AJAX control that can be part of an UpdatePanel.

We do not require the ASP.NET AJAX framework in order to work.

As far as showing something when you hover over the chart, you can set:

chart1.AllSeries.Link.OnMouseOver =


This will generate a call to a JavaScript function of yours (onChartMouseOver) when you hover over a point. Here you can show a div or any other content you want.

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