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Licensing question


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We develop windows form application. We have 3 developer PCs + build machine (no development activities on it), plus one developer has a laptop.

We want to use ChartFX product, but it's not clear how many licenses do we need? Each developer should be able to build and run application, moreover automatic nightly builds should be possible on the build machine.

Thank you in advance. 

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This forum is monitored by technical people like myself so I will answer to the best of my ability. For more accurate information please contact Software FX Sales.

From the technical point of view, the build server requires a full license of Chart FX so that it can embed it into the executable it builds.

Each developer (including the laptop) must have a development license of Chart FX. If each developer uses a Developer Studio license, they will be able to use and test the application but whatever they compile can not be deployed (a full license is required for that). If you want your developers to be able to build-to-deploy then they all need a full license.

So that's basically it, now as far as whether you have to buy each license separately or you get a package price I don't know.

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