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GridFX buttons


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When I right click on a row or column about 90% of the time the buttons that appear are not functional, in other words, I can't click on them.  Do I have an incorrect version of Java on my client?  Is there something else happening?  It happens on all my pages, including the one I sent you yesterday (items.aspx).  Please let me know what you find.


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 The issue you report is actually quite strange since we have not been able to reproduce it internally nor have we received other reports of the problem. I will gladly look into this with you to see if we can figure out what is going on.

Please note that GridFX's run-time UI is 100% Ajax and DHTML based. There are no client controls (Java or .Net) loaded on the page. Therefore, the version of Java installed on your machine will not have any effect on the Grid's behavior.

Some additional info: 

-Which browser are you working with(IE or FireFox )?

-Do you have editing enabled?

-Does the issue occur regardles of the column you are clicking on? Does the behavior change based on the type of the field?



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Hi TT -

I am working with IE 6 and see the same results no matter if the grid is inquiry only or editable.  It occurs for all columns, and if you continually try to get the column to work it will eventually work.  Also, it seems to be worse if the row selected isn't the column your clicking on, but I've seen this behaviour in both instances.

Finally, I get the same results at the Grid Header level as well.  If you need to we can do a WebEx to review my situation.



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