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Licensing issues with Chart FX

Yuri Zaslavsky

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I have a similar situation described in  http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/t/7709.aspx 

But my executable is pure MFC. I tried all your advises described in http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/610/1/001.htm

http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/610/1/008.htm and espesially http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/610/1/010.htm but it not helped me.

I succeeded to compile the .licenses file outside of Visual Studio 2005 (step 4 from Q6101010).

Does the step 5 described in Q6101010 works also on pure MFC executable?

This is very urgent issue for us because this pure MFC executable which contains a dll which uses ChartFX controls currently runs only on my desktop computer.

Plese assist.




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None of these apply to your situation because your application is unmanaged.

The only way to pass a license to Chart FX from an unmanaged application is through the use of SetLicenseString, for this you need to obtain a special license from Software FX.

Please contact Software FX Support directly to obtain such license.

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