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ChartFX for JAVA details


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  We have a webapp that is rendering UI in browsers.  Are the generation of charts by the ChartFX done at the server or at the Client ?. Is it possible to embed the  charts in the web pages.  our web pages are generated at the server and rendered. We don't want to make the application client heavy if ChartFX needs a applet tag or something. Are their capabilities  to make the generated charts customizable by the end users in the browser client ?. How is this done using javascript code ?

Thanks in Advance




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Chart FX for Java is a server side charting library.  Everything is created on the server, and there is no client or applet.  There are not client-side customization capabilites yet, just the ability of using image maps to display tooltips and to do drill-downs.  Please download the trial version, wich is a full feature product, and includes all documentation and many samples.

Next version 7.0, it include a full interative ajax based image, with a lot of posibilities for client customization.  You can learn more about it here: http://www.softwarefx.com/SFXJavaProducts/CFXforJava/roadmap.aspx.  You can sign up for the beta, which will be available very soon.





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