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Everything posted by GabrielA

  1. Chart FX for Java is a server side charting library. Everything is created on the server, and there is no client or applet. There are not client-side customization capabilites yet, just the ability of using image maps to display tooltips and to do drill-downs. Please download the trial version, wich is a full feature product, and includes all documentation and many samples. Next version 7.0, it include a full interative ajax based image, with a lot of posibilities for client customization. You can learn more about it here: http://www.softwarefx.com/SFXJavaProducts/CFXforJava/roadmap.aspx. You can sign up for the beta, which will be available very soon.
  2. GabrielA

    getHtmlTag and url

    You have to edit the ChartFX.Internet.config, can set the RequiredRoot like this: <RequiredRoot>http://<host-name:port>/ssg/</RequiredRoot> Additionally, you have to set you web app to alow Cross Context. For more information, see this KB Article Q8003017. ChartFX.Internet.config RequiredRoot Behavior, or consult the Chart FX for Java Documentation, section Installation and Activation.
  3. No, Box Plot doesn't support rotation.
  4. GabrielA

    Plotting Maps

    Hi, we do not support XYZ charts, you can only set a label for the Z axis and shown in the attached image. You will find this examples in the documentation, in the Chart FX Tools / Legends and Labels / Labels section
  5. Yes, this is possible ussing setConfigPath, wich is available in all versions, may be not included in the docs, but the jar files are the same for CE, trial and production. Place the license and config files in a folder, and pass the physical path as parameter, Just be sure you call setConfigPath before you create the chart: ChartServer.setConfigPath("<folder_where_license_is"); ChartServer chart1 = new ChartServer(pageContext,request,response);
  6. Are you setting the X-Axis labels from the resulset? How are you passing the data? Is it a string or a date, and what labelformat are you using? Can you give us a sample where we can see this? Can you post the a image of this? If you don't want to do it here in an open forum, please email it to support@softwarefx.com
  7. You can set that up with the PointLabelMask, here is a example: <chartfx:chart height="400" width="600" gallery="pie" NSeries="1" NValues="3" pointLabels="true" pointLabelMask="Value %v: Represents %p%%"> <chartfx:pie shadows="true" labelsInside="false"/> </chartfx:chart> Look at the Chart.setPointLabelsMask api doc for the list od availabe % "wilcards"
  8. Yes, the resulset is read when you call either getHtmlData or getHtmlTag. The problem you will find is that there is no way to close them after you call getHtmlData. Bu you can use getHtmlDataEx, which will give you the chart stream, then you can close all object and send the chart to the browser when you are finished. There are some getHtmlDataEx samples in the sample\misc folder of the installation.
  9. If Chart FX cna create png and jpeg, then it can create flash charts. Check if the .swf files are being created in the temp folder. If they are, then it may be a browser issue. Do you have the Flash plug in installed?
  10. Chart FX doesn't need the conection to be opened, it just need access to the sql Resulset. Try to go through the data in the resulset after the conection is closed to be sure you are not passing an empty rs to the chart.
  11. You can set the color to the series: chart1.getSeries().getItem(0).setColor(java.awt.Color.BLACK);
  12. Hi, the installer is graphical, it wouldn't work in console mode. Annyway, you don't really have to run the installer on the production server, you can just copy the files from you developmet environment, and obtain a license for the production server using the activation servlet or by following any of the other procedures described in the docs.
  13. Please send an email to support@softwarefx.com; they will log the bug and assign a case number, so you get notified when the issue is resolved. Include a note saying that you have been asked by GabrielA to log this bug.
  14. It is a design limitation, so I guess it is a "feature", you can not add any extra tag inside the chartfx tag. The best alternative is to use the listProvider. Chart FX will loop throught the List and build the chart based on the its. This is a example (I'm sorry, I'm not taglib expert so the extra code is plain java): <% java.util.List list1 = new java.util.ArrayList(5); list1.add("Desktops"); list1.add("Laptops"); list1.add("Monitor"); list1.add("Keyboard"); list1.add("Mouse"); java.util.List list2 = new java.util.ArrayList(5); list2.add(new Integer(20)); list2.add(new Integer(30)); list2.add(new Integer(20)); list2.add(new Integer(50)); list2.add(new Integer(40)); java.util.List list3 = new java.util.ArrayList(5); list3.add(new Integer(50)); list3.add(new Integer(40)); list3.add(new Integer(50)); list3.add(new Integer(60)); list3.add(new Integer(30)); java.util.List list4 = new java.util.ArrayList(); list4.add(list1); list4.add(list2); list4.add(list3); pageContext.setAttribute("points",list4); %> <chartfx:chart height="240" width="400" rightGap="30"> <chartfx:dataSourceSettings> <chartfx:listProvider list="points"/> </chartfx:dataSourceSettings> </chartfx:chart> You may be able to give your bean object directly to the listProvider. Try with simple chart first, just passing some data to see if it works, then you can use the dataType to specify how you want the data to be handled, i.e INI_VALUE, XVALUE, LABEL, etc.
  15. We don't have a sample like that. All our samples are small and focusing in specific functionality. We have included some of them in tag library format, but we can supply more samples, we have most of the jsp samples in taglib format. I have placed them here: http://support.softwarefx.com/files/taglibsamples.zip Also, the taglib documentation is included in the product, or you can get it online at http://support.softwarefx.com/OnlineDoc/CfxJava65/.
  16. There are several taglib samples included inthe product. Look inside the "samples\ChartFX\samples\TagLib" folder in your instalation.
  17. You will find some sample of GetHtmlDataEx in the ChartFX\samples\Misc folder. The is a sample that does pretty much what you need.
  18. Samples of GetHtmlData and GetHtmlDataEx are includes in the product. Look in the ChartFX\samples\Misc folder.
  19. There is a whole section in the documentation about Passing Data, and in particular about passing data from resultsets. There are several samples included. If yor resulset has only the data you want to plot in the chart, then is as simple as: JDBCDataProvider provider = new JDBCDataProvider(Resulset); chart1.setDataSource(provider); You may need to use the DataType and DataStyle, for example, if you resulset has 3 columns, and you want to use one as labels and the rest as data: chart1.getDataType().setItem(0,DataType.LABEL); chart1.getDataType().setItem(1,DataType.VALUE); chart1.getDataType().setItem(2,DataType.VALUE); Again, see the Passing Data section of the docs for more detail.
  20. It will depend how you load the data to the chart and if the X axis is a categorical or a data Axis. Is this a XY Scatter chart? If not, it will be just a matter of setting the Axis labels and the scale properly. Anyway, take a look at the samples in the Axis Handling / XAxis, you will find samples for either DateTime values and labeling.
  21. No, it is not ok to use an empty constructor. ChartServer needs the Context, Request and Response objects to properly function on an application server. Since it seems you are using JSF, you can get all that from the FacesContext, something like this: javax.faces.context.FacesContext context = javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); javax.faces.context.ExternalContext extCtx = context.getExternalContext(); ChartServer chart1 = new ChartServer((javax.servlet.ServletContext)extCtx.getContext(), (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)extCtx.getRequest(), (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)extCtx.getResponse()); Chart FX uses ChartFX.Internet.config file to determin where is the temp folder. Plese review the section "Getting Started../Instalaltion and Activation" in the documentation for more detail. Finally, calling getHtmlTag with no parameter will give you a 200x200 PNG image, use the parameters if you want something else, i.e. chart1.getHtmlTag("450","280","SVG"); Furthermore, if you are doing JSF, take a look to the Chart FX JSF conmponent, the are severl samples included with the product.
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