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getHtmlTag and url


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For cross-domain

In jsp: <%= chart1.getHtmlTag("450","280") %>  

Result code: <IMG SRC="/ssg/chartfx62/temp/CFT0303_0521263D341.png"  WIDTH="450" HEIGHT="280" >
I wish to receive:

<IMG SRC="http://<host-name:port>/ssg/chartfx62/temp/CFT0303_0521263D341.png"  WIDTH="450" HEIGHT="280" >
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You have to edit the ChartFX.Internet.config, can set the RequiredRoot like this:


Additionally, you have to set you web app to alow Cross Context.

For more information, see this KB Article Q8003017. ChartFX.Internet.config RequiredRoot Behavior, or consult the Chart FX for Java Documentation, section Installation and Activation.

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