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HighLowClose chart - how to configure data


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Passing data using XML (hardcoded for simplicity)


XmlDataProvider x:Key="MyData"><x:XData><OHLCData xmlns=""><OHLC Low="20" High="30" Open="22" Close="26"/><OHLC Low="20" High="30" Open="26" Close="22"/></OHLCData></x:XData></XmlDataProvider>

HighLowClose chart


cfx:Chart Gallery="HighLowClose" x:Name="chart1"><cfx:Chart.ItemsSource>  <Binding Source="{StaticResource MyData}" XPath="OHLCData/OHLC" /></cfx:Chart.ItemsSource><cfx:Chart.Series>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@Low"/>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@Close"/>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@High"/></cfx:Chart.Series></cfx:Chart>

OpenHighLowClose chart


cfx:Chart Gallery="OpenHighLowClose" x:Name="chart1"><cfx:Chart.ItemsSource>  <Binding Source="{StaticResource MyData}" XPath="OHLCData/OHLC" /></cfx:Chart.ItemsSource><cfx:Chart.Series>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@Low"/>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@Open"/>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@Close"/>   <cfx:SeriesAttributes BindingPath="@High"/></cfx:Chart.Series></cfx:Chart>

The important part is the order of the series, this should be the same order if you are passing data in code, either manually passing data or creating a collection of CLR objects that represent the data.



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The axis on the bottom is the X axis (Chart.AxisX), if you have labels (dates or strings) you can use them as follows


XmlDataProvider x:Key="MyData"><x:XData><OHLCData xmlns=""><OHLC Low="20" High="30" Open="22" Close="26" Label="Jan"/><OHLC Low="20" High="30" Open="26" Close="22" Label="Feb"/></OHLCData></x:XData></XmlDataProvider>

And inside the Chart tag you would add the following

<cfx:Chart.AxisX><cfx:Axis LabelPath="@Label"/></cfx:Chart.AxisX>


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