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runtime error


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I am getting an error when trying to run any of the charts in my xbap application:-

 {"Cannot create instance of 'Chart' defined in assembly 'ChartFX.WPF, Version=0.8.2937.31814, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce'. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.  Error at object 'chartExpander' in markup file 'WPFSpike;component/default.xaml' Line 20 Position 18."}

Any ideas?



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XBAPs run in low trust and unfortunately since .NET 1.0 the licensing scheme for third party controls has not worked properly in low-trust. The licensing API tries to open your exe as a file (even though it is already running) to extract the resource that contains the license info and in low-trust these API will fail. You can verify this by creating a simple licensed control and try to run it in low-trust.

To workaround this, we have implemented a "manual" licensing scheme where you call an static function somewhere in your app before any chart is created, we handle this scenario on a per-user basis so please contact wpf at softwarefx dot com for more info.



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  • 9 months later...


 I'm having a similar runtime error:

 Message=" 'System.Windows.Media.Media3D.MeshGeometry3D' is not a validvalue for property 'Geometry'.  Error in markup file'ChartFX.WPF;component/themes/designresources.xaml'."  Source="PresentationFramework"

I'm using a standalone application, witch runs in full trust(not the previous problem ). The only thing i have done is this:

  private void FX_DrawChart(Grid g)   {   ChartFX.WPF.Chart fxChart = new ChartFX.WPF.Chart();  ***     //FX_DrawTitle();   //FX_CreateSeries();   g.Children.Add(fxChart);   } 


Where g is the grid where the chart will be added, but the applications crashes  in *** with the attached StackTrace.

The strange is, I do the same thing in a test project and everything gone well. I can

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