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How to create a combination chart


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I'm evaluating your product and I'm trying to figure out how configure a combination chart displaying all series as bars except for the last one that should be a line.

Dataset example:

Product , Hour , Qty

Product A, 01:00, 27

Product B, 01:00, 39

Target, 01:00, 50

Product A, 02:00, 32

Product B, 02:00, 34

Target, 02:00, 60

Is that possible? If so, how do I configure the chart?


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Yes. No problem.

First you need to create a crosstab to pass the data to this chart so that a series is created for each distinct value in the Product Column (Column Header). Check the programmer's guide on the Cross Tab provider for more details. You can also do this using the Chart FX Wizard.

After the data is setup, all you need to do is set the gallry for each series. You can do this in code or using the property grid at desing-time. In code it's something like:

chart.AllSeries.Gallery = Gallery.Bar;

chart.Series[2].Gallery = Gallery.Lines; // Third series is the LIne


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