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Client Side Control in Web Page

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I'm trying to make a chart scrollable in the browser.  I set the scrollable 

property to true, and all I get in the browser is an image of a chart that

has a scroll bar (compared to a scrollable web control).

So, what I'm assuming, is that ChartFX does not like the security settings

of my broswer, and is rending the graph as an image, jsut to be safe. If

this is the case, how I can force the graph to always render as an image, so

I can implement my own scrolling functionality in ASP.NET?


Shawn Evans

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If you render the chart as an image you will not have scrolling. You can 

implement scrolling using your own UI and the SetScrollView method.

In order to have scrolling functionality, you need to generate a client

control by setting HtmlTag to .NET.


Francisco Padron


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