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Problem with PSS


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when I ran my application by keeping PSS service on I am getting "Failed to download chart protocol error - not found(404).

If I stop the PSS service off I am getting my chart with out any issues.

The above problem is only when I ran from IIS(Deployed version).

can some one help me.




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The PSS handler can't be reached. Here is what you can do to find out why:

1) Look at the URL for the DataPath of the <OBJECT> tag for the chart.

2) Paste the URL in your browser's address bar, and see what kind of error you get. If you get an authentication dialog, or if you get no errors (save as dialog shows up) you are likely to have a problem with authentication, check the following KB article for help:

Q7621009. How to use Chart FX and Forms Authentication to secure your charts

URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticleSep.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/762/1/009.htm?_r=1

3) If you still get a 404, it is likely to be a configuration problem in your IIS, check that the chartfx70 virtual folder is created in IIS and that there is a PSS application under it pointing to <chart FX installation folder>\chartfx70.


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Hi Frank,

Many Thanks  for your help.

1)I just added IIS users IIS_WG and IUSR to charfx70(C:\Program Files\Chart FX for Visual Studio 2005\chartfx70) folder and I grant full control to these two users.

2) I copied C:\Program Files\Chart FX for Visual Studio 2005\bin\ChartFX.WebForms.Base.dll to C:\Program Files\Chart FX for Visual Studio 2005\ChartFX70\PSS\bin\ChartFX.WebForms.Base.dll .

3) I  restarted IIS and PSS service.

Now I am getting chart without any issues.

Once again thanx for your help.




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