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some feature questions.. how tos


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1.  In 6.2, we used the following to disable the toolbar on a chart.  What is the function in 7.x?  I don't want the user to have the right-click menu.  And is there a way to define it in the aspx page?

Chart1.AllowEdit = false;

 2. In 7.0, how can I have the following stacked behavior in the aspx page? Chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal;

 where do I put that in here?  When I'm selecting it from the style, it's not saving the tag in the chart.  I want to just hardcode it but I don't know where it should go.

<chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="592px" Palette="Schemes.Professional"


<AxisY Title-Text="">


<AxisX Title-Text="">



<chartfx7:SeriesAttributes />

<chartfx7:SeriesAttributes />

<chartfx7:SeriesAttributes />


<AllSeries Gallery="Gantt" BarShape="Cylinder">


<LegendBox Dock="Bottom">



<chartfx.webforms.adornments.imageborder assemblyname="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments"

color="93, 123, 157"></chartfx.webforms.adornments.imageborder>



<View3D Enabled="True" />

<MainPane AxisY-Title-Text="" /></chartfx7:Chart>

 I'm asking about the aspx page definition because I'm going to eventually create a theme skin that can be used on the aspx pages.  I don't want to have to modify/add items to the code behind (cs).


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> 1.  In 6.2, we used the following to disable the toolbar on a chart.  What is the function in 7.x?  I don't want the user to have the right-click menu.  And is

> there a way to define it in the aspx page?

To disable the right-click menu:

chart.ContextMenus = false;

To disable all AJAX UI in your Chart FX WebForms charts:

chart.ImageSettings.Interactive = false;

> 2. In 7.0, how can I have the following stacked behavior in the aspx page? 

This is an issue with the WebForm Designer. You can add it manually within the AllSeries tag. For example:

<AllSeries Stacked="Normal"></AllSeries>



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This is an issue with the WebForm Designer. You can add it manually within the AllSeries tag. For example:

<AllSeries Stacked="Normal"></AllSeries>

I'm getting a compile error.

Error 27 Validation (ASP.Net): The values permitted for this attribute do not include 'Normal'. 

If I select "true" as the value (since true/false are my selectable values in intellisence), I get the runtime error.

<AllSeries Stacked="true"></AllSeries>  OR

<AllSeries Stacked=true></AllSeries>

 Parser Error Message: Cannot create an object of type 'ChartFX.WebForms.Stacked' from its string representation 'true' for the 'Stacked' property.


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