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Multiple Y Axis


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Hi All,

I have a requirement.

My chart(Line Chart) has six series(Namely ser1,ser2,ser3,ser4,ser5,ser6).Among six series ser1 points to main Y axis.

My Requirement is i want to create multiple Y axis for each series( using AxisY2) without distrubing the main Y axis.

Can any one help me?




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Hi Frank,

Finally i have an issue with X-Axis. The date is displaying as Jan'07 instead 01-Jan-2007.

I am using the following code to generate a datatable.

After creation of DataTable, it holds all 365 dates i added an interval of 30 days to X-Axis. 

Can you please suggest me the changes after looking in below code.

Thanks in Advance,



DataTable dtab = new DataTable("BudgetRep");


new DataColumn("BudgetVal", System.Type.GetType("System.Double"))); dtab.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DailyVal", System.Type.GetType("System.Double")));dtab.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("remark_date", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")));


DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(repDate); // This repDate is a querystring value(in dd-mmm-yyyy format).int year = dt.Year;

int month = 1;int totdays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);

int i = 0, j = 0;for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)


for (j = 1; j <= totdays; j++)


DataRow dr;

dr = dtab.NewRow();

string currdate = month + "/" + j + "/" + year;


"remark_date"] = Convert.ToDateTime(currdate);if (Bdgfound == false)


budgVal = getBudgetData(currdate);

dr["BudgetVal"] = budgVal;




dr["BudgetVal"] = budgVal;


if (Convert.ToDateTime(repDate) >= Convert.ToDateTime(currdate))


double d = getDailyData(currdate);dr["DailyVal"] = d;




month = month + 1;

Bdgfound = false;if (month <= 12)


totdays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);



Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("DailyVal", FieldUsage.Value));


new FieldMap("BudgetVal", FieldUsage.Value));Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("remark_date", FieldUsage.XValue));

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields[0].DisplayName =

"Daily";Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields[1].DisplayName = "Budget";

Chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Date;

Chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "dd-MMM-YYYY";

Chart1.AxisX.Step = 30;


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