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i send to Code Data size is big so that is not possible

private void TemplateBar(DataSet ds, string strCDS, int ChildMenuID, int ChartNo, string Path)


DataView myView = new DataView();


Chart objChart = new ChartFX.WebForms.Chart();CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();

Literal litSpace = new Literal();chk.ID = Path.Replace("/", "");

chk.Text =

" Select";chk.Visible = false;litSpace.Text = " </Br> </Br> </Br>";

objChart.Width = 850;

objChart.Height = 550;




// Setting File Path

// Path = SettingFilePath(strCDS, Server.MapPath("../Charts/") + Path + "/");





if (File.Exists(Path + "/" + strCDS + ".chw"))


objChart.Import(ChartFX.WebForms.FileFormat.Binary, Path + "/" + strCDS + ".chw");objChart.Visible = true;




// Setting ToolBoxChartsConfiguration.AddToolBox(objChart, true);

// Setting LegendBoxChartsConfiguration.SetLegendsBox(objChart, false);

// Chart TypeobjChart.Gallery = Gallery.Bar;objChart.RenderFormat = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ChartRenderFormat"];


// Check Data Avaible or not if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)


if (ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows.Count > 0)


myView = new DataView(ds.Tables[ChartNo]);if (myView.Count > 0)


DataView objView = ConfigureStudentNoForBarChart(myView);

objProDv.DataView = objView;

cfxCT.DataSource = objProDv;

objChart.Visible = true;objChart.Titles.Add(new TitleDockable());


objChart.Titles[0].Text = ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0][

"Heading1"].ToString() + " \n " + ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0]["Heading2"].ToString() + " \n " + ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0]["Heading3"].ToString() + " \n ";objChart.Titles[0].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);


new FieldMap("Dim1", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading));objChart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Dim2", FieldUsage.RowHeading));objChart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Pct_Data", FieldUsage.Value));


objChart.DataSource = cfxCT;

objChart.DataGrid.Visible = true;

objChart.DataGrid.ShowHiddenSeries =

true;objChart.DataGrid.ContentLayout = ContentLayout.Center;

objChart.DataGrid.MaxSizePercentage = 100;

if (objChart.Series.Count - 1 >= 0)


objChart.Series[0].Text = objChart.Series[0].Text.Remove(0, 1) + " %";

objChart.Series[1].Visible =

false;objChart.Series[1].Text = objChart.Series[0].Text.Replace('%', ' ') + "#";

objChart.Series[1].AxisY = objChart.AxisY2;

objChart.DataGrid.Cells[1].BackColor = ChartsConfiguration.SetColorForNoofStudentsRow();


if (objChart.Series.Count - 1 >= 3)


objChart.Series[2].Text = objChart.Series[2].Text.Remove(0, 1) + " %";

objChart.Series[3].Visible =

false;objChart.Series[3].Text = objChart.Series[2].Text.Replace('%', ' ') + "#";

objChart.Series[3].AxisY = objChart.AxisY2;

objChart.DataGrid.Cells[3].BackColor = ChartsConfiguration.SetColorForNoofStudentsRow();


if (objChart.Series.Count - 1 >= 5)


objChart.Series[4].Text = objChart.Series[4].Text.Remove(0, 1) + " %";

objChart.Series[5].Visible =

false;objChart.Series[5].Text = objChart.Series[4].Text.Replace('%', ' ') + "#";

objChart.Series[5].AxisY = objChart.AxisY2;

objChart.DataGrid.Cells[5].BackColor = ChartsConfiguration.SetColorForNoofStudentsRow();


// Set Colorif (ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0]["ChartID"].ToString().IndexOf("ENTITY") > -1)




else if (ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0]["ChartID"].ToString().IndexOf("YEAR") > -1)




if (((ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.DataViewProvider)(cfxCT.DataSource)).DataView.Count / 3 >= 7)


objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 60;


else if (((ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.DataViewProvider)(cfxCT.DataSource)).DataView.Count / 3 >= 6)


objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 50;


else if (((ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.DataViewProvider)(cfxCT.DataSource)).DataView.Count / 3 >= 4)


objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 30;


else if (((ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.DataViewProvider)(cfxCT.DataSource)).DataView.Count / 3 >= 3)


objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 50;


else if (((ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.DataViewProvider)(cfxCT.DataSource)).DataView.Count / 3 >= 2)


objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 20;




objChart.AllSeries.Volume = 10;



// Bar TextobjChart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);

objChart.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible =

false;objChart.AxisY.Title.Text = ds.Tables[ChartNo].Rows[0]["YaxisLabel"].ToString();

//objChart.AxisX.Title.Text = "\n Number of Fitness Standards Achieved \n";objChart.AxisX.Title.Font = new Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold);



objChart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 0;

objChart.AxisY.Title.Font = new Font("verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold);

objChart.AxisX.Font =

new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);objChart.AxisY.Font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);

objChart.DataGrid.Font =

new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);

// Scaleing

objChart.AxisY.Min = 0;

objChart.AxisY.Step = .2;

objChart.AxisY.Max = 1;

objChart.AxisY.DataFormat.CustomFormat = "P0";

objChart.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat =

"P0";objChart.AxisY2.DataFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Number;objChart.AxisY2.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Number;


// Export to PNG

// objChart.Export(FileFormat.Bitmap, Path + "/" + strCDS + ".png");

// Export to Binary

// objChart.Export(ChartFX.WebForms.FileFormat.Binary, Path + "/" + strCDS + ".chw");




objChart.Visible = false;chk.Visible = false;





objChart.Visible = false;chk.Visible = false;





objChart.Visible = false;chk.Visible = false;




catch (Exception ex)


objChart.Visible = false;chk.Visible = false;



finally { }


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After importing the chart, the state will be the same as it was when it was exported. In particular the fields collection would be whatever it was at that time.


Since you are doing:


objChart.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("Dim1", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading));

And not clearing the fields collection, you are in fact adding more fields to it, hence producing the repetitions. Add the following to your code;



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