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with multipanes customformat ignored


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I am using two panes.  When I try to set the axisx labelsformat customformat to anything the format seems to be ignored.  I am successful in doing the same thing with a single pane chart.  I have set the labels to date type and can see the date shows up in mm/dd/yyyy format and have verified isdate is true.

I made sure to check that I am on the latest release yesterday.

Also, could you please include some documentation of the Overlap property used in your Dreamhouse project in the help system.  It seems to be undocumented.  It is very useful for doing a multisegmented Gantt chart however I have found a situation where a 2D chart doesn't display a segment that a 3D one does.










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Notice that each pane has its own Y-Axis. To access the Y-Axis of a specific pane do: 


This is the y-Axis you must use to change the label format.

If you still experience a problem please post the code that you are using to set the axis format.


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It is the X axis where I am having a problem.  The Y axises are just fine one is volume the other percentages.  I tested the same code with one pane and it worked fine.  Trying to set the customformat to 'dddd' to get the day names instead of the standard format however it seems any customformat is ignored at least for dates I have not tried for other types of data.



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Okay after looking through a bunch of messages here I was able to determine I should probably be using a fieldusage of xvalues instead of keylabels and of course that fixed it.  Very odd though that it was working without doing this when only one pane used. 




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