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Using annotations

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I am having problems placing annotations relative to the data point that I 

want to annotate. All examples seem to require exact XY coordinates for firm

placement of an annotation, however I just want to simply add a 1cm arrow to

a data point of interest with a simple text description automagically

located in any free space that doesn't overwrite another series. For

example, say I plotted a couple of years of share data for a given security

and wanted to add an annotation when the share went ex-dividend. How would I

find the XY coordinate of the data point with a matching date as the exdiv

date and how would I know wether to place the annotation above, below, left

or right of that data point so that I don't overwrite the series? Could you

provide an example?



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  • 2 weeks later...

You can use the Attach method to attach an annotation object to a logical 

X,Y value. The logical X,Y values refer to the coordinates of the point in

the main X and Y axes.

As for not overlapping other series/points, we do not provide such

functionality, it seems to me that in a generic scenario there is no real

solution for this problem. Depending on the data there might be no room for

the arrow at all.


Francisco Padron


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