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Chart height depending on the number of panes + griddata


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I have a chart with 1..N panes and a grid with the data of all panes. Depending on the dataamount I generate 1 pane pr. month. Sine my chart should grow in heigh depending on the number of panes and the number of rows in the grid, I would like to set the height of each pane in the chart and the height for grid, so the resulting grid looks nice.


Q1: Is it possible to set the height of each pane (fx 100px) ? I can't find any method / attributes for this in the API.

Q2: Is it possible to set the height of each row in the griddata ? I can't find any method / attributes for this in the API.

Q3: Is it possible for the chart to calculate it's height depending on ("number of panes" * " pane heigh") + ("number of gridrows" * "grid row height") ?


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> Q1: Is it possible to set the height of each pane (fx 100px) ? I can't find any method / attributes for this in the API.

You can set the "Proportion" of the pane relative to the size of other panes. For example a pane with Proportion = 2 will be twice as big as one with Proportion = 1. The number of pixels is determined by the size of the chart control. The available area for panes is distributed among all of them according to each pane's proportion.

> Q2: Is it possible to set the height of each row in the griddata ? I can't find any method / attributes for this in the API.

No. The Datagrid rows are calculated based on its contents.

> Q3: Is it possible for the chart to calculate it's height depending on

> ("number of panes" * " pane heigh") + ("number of gridrows" * "grid row height") ?

No it is the other way around. The chart size is set and the other elements will adjust to it.




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