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Linechart: can you make color a of point and line different


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I am trying ot hightlight points on a line chart by changing their color but it is having an undesired side effect - it also colors the line segment after the point the same color - is there a way for me to change the color of certain points but have all the line segments the same color?


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 // Instruct Chart FX to use the border color for the lines. By default, the Series color is used.

 chart1.AllSeries.Border.UseForLines = true;  chart1.AllSeries.Border.Effect = BorderEffect.None;

// Define the border (line) color for each series   chart1.Series[0].Border.Color = chart1.Series[0].Color;  chart1.Series[1].Border.Color = chart1.Series[1].Color;

// Now you can change the Per-Point color to affect the marker color only  chart1.Points[0,1].Color = Color.Red;

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I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this post - see attached sample image - you can see the line after the black points is black - but I want it to be blue like the rest of the chart - and only change the color of the point to black.


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Yes. This is available in 6.2 but your post is in the Chart FX for VS 2005 Forum :-( 

This is the equivalent Chart FX 6.2 Code:

chart.TypeMask &= ~ChartType.ColorLine;chart.BorderEffect = BorderEffect.None;

// Define the border (line) color for each series chart.Series[0].BorderColor = chart.Series[0].Color;chart.Series[1].BorderColor = chart.Series[1].Color;

// Now you can change the Per-Point color to affect the marker color onlychart.Point[0,1].Color = Color.Red;

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