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Stacked bar chart combined with line chart

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I am implementing a workaround for KB-Q1392008 to draw a stacked bar chart

with a line chart by redrawing captured line chart in postpaint event.

(please see attached file )

Is there are another easier way to get over KB-Q1392008?

Does it still make sense for ChartFX Client Server 6.2.

(eg. There is no limitation like KB-Q1392008 in ChartFX 6.2)

Many Thanks,


Masayuki Amano

Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.

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Very ingenious solution !

I don't think there is a better way, I didn't think there was even one !

This limitation is very inconvenient to say the least. We have corrected it

in Chart FX 6, you no longer need to do anything special to get this

combination chart working correctly, it works both with the line first or



Francisco Padron


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