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Dates - "Proportional" spacing along X axis?

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I often display data with Date being the X axis, and some measurement on the

Y axis. But, the measurements are not made ever day. When I display this

type of chart (typically as a Line chart), each data point is equal distance

from the others in the chart, even if the dates are far apart.

For instance, assume my data is Weight and Date, and I have the following


1/1/2005 - 170 lbs

1/3/2005 - 171 lbs

1/30/2005 - 169 lbs

2/1/2005 - 168 lbs

When this gets displayed, the horizontal distance between 1/3/2005 and

1/30/2005 is the same as it is between 1/1/2005 and 1/3/2005, even though

there are 27 days in the first interval, and only 2 in the second interval.

Is there a way to force ChartFX to proportionally space the dates along the

X axis, so that the data's relationship to the passage of time looks more

like what it actually is?


Gary German


You must be setting the dates as Lables which are just strings with no 

intrinsic value.

What you want is to set the dates as X-Values.

If you are doing DataBinding, use DataType to tell Chart FX which column you

want to use as X-Values, otherwise you can pass X-Values the same way you

pass Y-Values: by doing OpenData-CloseData.

For more information look for the X/Y charts section in the docs.



Software FX


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You must be setting the dates as Lables which are just strings with no

> intrinsic value.


> What you want is to set the dates as X-Values.


> If you are doing DataBinding, use DataType to tell Chart FX which column


> want to use as X-Values, otherwise you can pass X-Values the same way you

> pass Y-Values: by doing OpenData-CloseData.


> For more information look for the X/Y charts section in the docs.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



Thanks! I'm using an ADO recordset, and setting DataType to CDT_XVALUE.

This works well for line graphs.

But, for bar graphs, the dates aren't correct. The first date shown is

always 12/31/1899, the next date is always 1/1/1900, followed by 1/2/1900,

etc. Is this a bug, or is there some other property I need to set for bar


Gary German


Bar graphs don't support X-Values.

In Chart FX 6, Bar Charts use X-Values to do what we call "Data-Driven

labels", Unlike lines or scatter, the bars are evenly spaced regardless of

the X-Value.


Francisco Padron



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Bar graphs don't support X-Values.


> In Chart FX 6, Bar Charts use X-Values to do what we call "Data-Driven

> labels", Unlike lines or scatter, the bars are evenly spaced regardless of

> the X-Value.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


OK, thanks. That makes sense.



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