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[Q]How can I change the number of series to be showed on the ChartFX Graph, not changing the number of series showed in the table.

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I can see the table below the ChartFX Graph

by setting the property "Data Editor" of ChartFX Control.

My ChartFX Graph has three series (each has a one data point).

So table has tree series.

but, I want the only one series I chosed to be showed on the ChartFX Graph,

not changing the number of series showed in the table.

The table below the ChartFX Graph should show three series.

How I can do?

Thanks in advance.

My Development Environment is...

a.. ChartFX C/S version 5.1

b.. Visual Studio C++ 6.0

c.. Window XP Home Edition


The data editor is not a separate control but simply another view of the 

same data, you may want to consider using a Grid control instead.

There is a hack that will allow you to display series in the Data Editor

without displaying them in the chart and that is making the series Invisible

by manipulating its attributes, for example you can do:

Chart.Series(0).Gallery = SCATTER

Chart.Series(0).MarkerShape = MK_NONE



Software FX


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