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SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart Licensing Issue When Part of Composite Control

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I've got a custom .NET control that consumes web services, allows users to 

select some parameters, and then graphs the results. It works fine on my dev

machine. When I run it on a client machine, it fails when attempting to

instantiate the Chart object, throwing an exception with the message

"Couldn't get Run Time license for 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart.'"

It looks like there's a license included in the resulting assembly (a

.mresource public xxxxxx.dll.licenses file) that was created by having a

Licenses.licx file in the build directory. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot



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Oh yeah - the composite control is a .NET control that's being used on a 


"Scott Grosenick" <Scottgrosenick@hotmail.com> wrote in message


> I've got a custom .NET control that consumes web services, allows users to

> select some parameters, and then graphs the results. It works fine on my

> dev machine. When I run it on a client machine, it fails when attempting

> to instantiate the Chart object, throwing an exception with the message

> "Couldn't get Run Time license for 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart.'"


> It looks like there's a license included in the resulting assembly (a

> .mresource public xxxxxx.dll.licenses file) that was created by having a

> Licenses.licx file in the build directory. Any ideas on how to

> troubleshoot this?


> Thanks!


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1) You need a license of Chart FX in each Web Service in which your control 

is running.

2) If you are using Chart FX from a Web Page. even if you do it through a

user control, you should use Chart FX Web Server control

(SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart). SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart is a

Windows form control and it is designed to run inside stand-alone

applications with UI (EXEs).

3) You may contact Software FX sales for volume and OEM licenses.



Software FX

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I believe that Scott means that he created a custom control that uses a

ChartFx graph and then used this custom control embedded in an Object tag in

a web page as follows:

<LINK REL="licenses" HREF="cfxnettest.dll.licenses">

<OBJECT id="upload1" classid="http:cfxnettest.dll#cfxnettest.UserControl1"

width=800 height=300 style="font-size:12;">

A machine with .net installed will render this custom control in the web

page as a winform. It will use the licenses LINK to look for the .licenses

files for licensed components.

My team is also having difficulties with this scenario.

This page works fine when viewing it from my dev machine which has the

ChartFX license installed. However when the web page from my dev server is

viewed on a machine without the license installed, my team is also getting

the same error as Scott:

"Couldn't get Run Time license for 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart.'"

I have followed the instructions for "Q6101010. How to manually add a Chart

FX license to an executable", but this does not seem to work.

Can you please advise on how to get this working?



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> 1) You need a license of Chart FX in each Web Service in which your


> is running.


> 2) If you are using Chart FX from a Web Page. even if you do it through a

> user control, you should use Chart FX Web Server control

> (SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Internet.Server.Chart). SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart is a

> Windows form control and it is designed to run inside stand-alone

> applications with UI (EXEs).


> 3) You may contact Software FX sales for volume and OEM licenses.


> --

> FP

> Software FX





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What I understood from Scot posting when he said a  "Composite Control being 

used in a Web page" was that he was wrapping Chart FX control inside Web

Control (Server-Side). If this assumption is correct, my previous posting

applies to the situation.

If indeed he was referring to a Windows Form control hosted inside IE and

this control has our Windows Form control inside of it (like you are), then

this is a complete different story.

KB Article "Q6101010. How to manually add a Chart FX license to an

executable" doesn't apply because you the "executable" in this case is IE

(hence you can not add any resources to it).

This situation (using Chart FX Windows Form from inside the browser)

requires a special license (the standard license only covers the use of the

control from within executables owned by you) and there are certain

restrictions associated with it. Please contact our sales dept. for detailed

information about licensing Chart FX Windows Forms in this fashion.



Software FX

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Thanks for the quick reply, this clears up much of the confusion.  However,

I have an additional question.

Shouldn't this implementation work in the trial version since it is a full

working version for 30 days? If we need to purchase a different kind of

license that is fine, but I would like to be able to use the trial version

to implement our project. Are there additional support documents that show

the correct way for this type of Chart FX implementation (using Chart FX

Windows Form from inside the browser) ?

"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What I understood from Scot posting when he said a "Composite Control


> used in a Web page" was that he was wrapping Chart FX control inside Web

> Control (Server-Side). If this assumption is correct, my previous posting

> applies to the situation.


> If indeed he was referring to a Windows Form control hosted inside IE and

> this control has our Windows Form control inside of it (like you are),


> this is a complete different story.


> KB Article "Q6101010. How to manually add a Chart FX license to an

> executable" doesn't apply because you the "executable" in this case is IE

> (hence you can not add any resources to it).


> This situation (using Chart FX Windows Form from inside the browser)

> requires a special license (the standard license only covers the use of


> control from within executables owned by you) and there are certain

> restrictions associated with it. Please contact our sales dept. for


> information about licensing Chart FX Windows Forms in this fashion.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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The trial has the same requirements as the full version. The fact that the 

copy you have is a trial is contained in the license so if the license can

not be obtained, trial or release, the problem is the same.

If you want to deploy this control using the trial version (for demo

purposes), you can simply install Chart FX for .NET Trial it the test




Software FX, Inc.

"Ryan Kaminsky" <ryanslobby@msn.com> wrote in message


> Thanks for the quick reply, this clears up much of the confusion.

> However,

> I have an additional question.


> Shouldn't this implementation work in the trial version since it is a full

> working version for 30 days? If we need to purchase a different kind of

> license that is fine, but I would like to be able to use the trial version

> to implement our project. Are there additional support documents that

> show

> the correct way for this type of Chart FX implementation (using Chart FX

> Windows Form from inside the browser) ?


> "SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message

> news:ZKCDlGR9EHA.1116@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> What I understood from Scot posting when he said a "Composite Control

> being

>> used in a Web page" was that he was wrapping Chart FX control inside Web

>> Control (Server-Side). If this assumption is correct, my previous posting

>> applies to the situation.


>> If indeed he was referring to a Windows Form control hosted inside IE and

>> this control has our Windows Form control inside of it (like you are),

> then

>> this is a complete different story.


>> KB Article "Q6101010. How to manually add a Chart FX license to an

>> executable" doesn't apply because you the "executable" in this case is IE

>> (hence you can not add any resources to it).


>> This situation (using Chart FX Windows Form from inside the browser)

>> requires a special license (the standard license only covers the use of

> the

>> control from within executables owned by you) and there are certain

>> restrictions associated with it. Please contact our sales dept. for

> detailed

>> information about licensing Chart FX Windows Forms in this fashion.


>> --

>> FP

>> Software FX





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