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Plotting series in multiple panes

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I wonder if you have come across this problem:

If you want to plot series in different panes there doesn't seem to be a

correspondence between pane sequence and series sequence. To plot my 5

series in the correct corresponding 5 panes I had to try & err until I came

up with this combination:

.Series(0).Pane = .Panes(2)

.Series(1).Pane = .Panes(3)

.Series(2).Pane = .Panes(1)

.Series(3).Pane = .Panes(0)

.Series(4).Pane = .Panes(4)

Strangely, if I print the '.Pane(x).Titles.text' I get the pane titles in

the right order, but the actual series data seem to be assigned to each pane

in a different (random) order. Has anybody come across this?

A Lyon

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I don't quite understand your question.

Series are in the first pane (0) unless they are moved. So I do not

understand what you mean by:

"but the actual series data seem to be assigned to each pane in a different

(random) order."

Can you attach a sample program that produces this "random" pane assignment



Francisco Padron


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