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Could I get a reply, please?

User (Legacy)

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Sorry, but skipping a post for whatever reason is a little bit rude -

skipping two is insulting!

Could you _please_ look at this? We've bought so many CFX licences they're

coming out of our ears, yet we can't get an answer on something quite




"Alan" <alan.newton@no.spam.pilk.ing.ton.com> wrote in message


> Subject: "CFX4.5, IE6 and Windows NT 4.0"

> Sent: 15/12/2003


> This still hasn't been addressed. Thanks chaps/chapesses.



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Can you post the following info:

- Version of your ChartFX dll

- INI files before and after using IE6 on NT4

- User Agent sent by your browser

I apologize for our delay getting back to you. May I ask you what is the

reason not to upgrade to 5.5 ? Note that if you install our most recent

service pack you will get the 5.5 core (not the extensions such as wireless

or crosstab).




Software FX Support

"Alan" <alan.newton@no.spam.pilk.ing.ton.com> wrote in message


> Subject: "CFX4.5, IE6 and Windows NT 4.0"

> Sent: 15/12/2003


> This still hasn't been addressed. Thanks chaps/chapesses.



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Dear Alan,

This newsgroup is a community resource, we (Software FX Personnel) will

answer most of the questions, however, since your question was "...does

anyone have a way around the problem with this combination (i.e.. all charts

are rendered as non-IE)? " since I have NOT come across this problem I felt

I was not the right person to reply.

We do try to help people in this newsgroup as much as we can we also rely on

"members helping members" specially in situations like this.

If you need direct support you can always obtain it from our support dept.



Software FX

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