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Custom Commands

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I Have Been able to create 2 custom commands to the right click menu, but

how do add my own parameter?


Set Cmds = ObjChart.Commands

Cmds(CFX_ID_URL0).Text = "View These"

Cmds(CFX_ID_URL1).Text = "View those"

Set MarkerCmdList = ObjChart.Commands(CFX_ID_CM_SERIES)

nCmds = MarkerCmdList.Count

MarkerCmdList.InsertSubcommands 3,nCmds

MarkerCmdList.SubCommandID(nCmds) = CFX_ID_SEPARATOR

MarkerCmdList.SubCommandID(nCmds+1) = CFX_ID_URL0

MarkerCmdList.SubCommandID(nCmds+2) = CFX_ID_URL1

what i cant work out is tell command one to include another parameter

(example: page.asp?cmd=these)


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