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Modify ToolTipText

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I use cfx vers. in vb. How can I modify the tooltip which will be

shown over a bar in the chart?

Per default the tooltip contains:

- Caption of Series

- Caption of Legend

- Value

But I'd like to have:

- Caption of Series

- Caption of Legend

- Value

- Unit of Value

Best regards,

Thorsten Blawatt


You can use the ToolTipMask property to customize what information is to be

displayed if the information is already in the chart. Check the help file

for details.

If the information you want to display is NOT in the chart (I think "Unit of

Value" will fall into this category) you can capture the GetTip event and

"on-the-fly" determine what the tool-tip for an specific point is.



Software FX, Inc.


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