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Rectangular border and BGcolor around top title

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How do I put rectangular border around top title and provide light

background color in it?

Also, when I code

Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).GridStyle = CHART_DOT

it displays all lines dotted.

Instead of that I would like top and bottom gridline solid and interior


Is there any way to do this.

Thank you for your reply.


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> How do I put rectangular border around top title and provide light

> background color in it?

Drawing a background behind the titles is a new feature in Chart FX 6 (for

.NET. This is not possible in Chart FX 5.x. You would need to use an

annotation object text instead of a title to have a text with a background


> Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).GridStyle = CHART_DOT

> it displays all lines dotted.

> Instead of that I would like top and bottom gridline solid and interior

> dotted.

> Is there any way to do this.

No. The style is applied to all the line. BTW. What do you mean by "top and

bottom" I don't see the difference.



Software FX, Inc.

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