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Dynamic Chart Creation Question?

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We have a licensed ChartFX Client Server 5.0 software.

I do the following to creat a dynamic chart.

CWnd m_ChartFX;

m_ChartFX.CreateControl(<ChartFX Class ID**>, NULL, WS_VISIBLE, rc, this,

IDC_CHART1,NULL,NULL,<Chart FX License string*>);

The question is :

If I ship my product which uses the above code to create a dynamic chart,

Does the customer need to have a licensed chartFX software installed on his

machine to run the product?

If yes, Is there any other method to create dynamic chart, which customer

does have to have a licensed software?


Does he needs to register any Dll, OCX? If yes, which Dll, OCX does he

needs to register?

Reply ASAP.




Your customer will not need any licenses but your app setup should register

our dlls/ocxs. Please note the list of redistributable files included with

the product normally you will deploy/register the subset of files you are

actually using. The minimal set you will need is: cfx4032.dll and sfxbar.dll




Software FX Support

"M.Umamaheshwara Rao" <mum_rao@polariscom.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> We have a licensed ChartFX Client Server 5.0 software.


> I do the following to creat a dynamic chart.


> CWnd m_ChartFX;

> m_ChartFX.CreateControl(<ChartFX Class ID**>, NULL, WS_VISIBLE, rc, this,

> IDC_CHART1,NULL,NULL,<Chart FX License string*>);


> The question is :


> If I ship my product which uses the above code to create a dynamic chart,

> Does the customer need to have a licensed chartFX software installed on


> machine to run the product?


> If yes, Is there any other method to create dynamic chart, which customer

> does have to have a licensed software?


> OR


> Does he needs to register any Dll, OCX? If yes, which Dll, OCX does he

> needs to register?


> Reply ASAP.


> Thanks,

> Rao




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