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examples for databind

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I only recently started with chartFX in .NET und the filling of the chart

with databinding. Now I have to generate the following chart and I don't

know which way is best. Could you give me some examples of filling rather

complicated scatter charts?

My data is in the following structure which is displayed in a grid on the

same page:

Column1: Identifier

Column2: Datatyp

Column3: XValue

Column4: YValue

The table is filled with data of three different datatypes. Every row should

be a dot in the scatter, but with different marker per datatype.

Can you help me?



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If what you want is a different series for each different value of Column3 

(Datattyp), you need to use the CrossTab data provider. The CrossTab data

provider is included in Chart FX. Information about how to use it can be

found under:

Chart FX for .NET Programmer's Guide -> Passing Data -> Data Assembly ->

CrossTab Provider



Software FX

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Hello FP

yeah, that's what I need. But now I have similar problems with activating

the CrossTab Dataprovider as I had with the Annotations.

I have the ChartFX.Data.dll and ChartFX.Data.xml in my project in the

bin-path. But I can't use it, using

using SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Data

produces an error during compilation.

What am I doing wrong?



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> If what you want is a different series for each different value of Column3

> (Datattyp), you need to use the CrossTab data provider. The CrossTab data

> provider is included in Chart FX. Information about how to use it can be

> found under:


> Chart FX for .NET Programmer's Guide -> Passing Data -> Data Assembly ->

> CrossTab Provider


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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sorry for being impatient, but I still couldn't use the CrossTab

Dataprovider, please help!

Thanks in advance


"Luzia" <spam_no_spam@bluewin.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Hello FP


> yeah, that's what I need. But now I have similar problems with activating

> the CrossTab Dataprovider as I had with the Annotations.


> I have the ChartFX.Data.dll and ChartFX.Data.xml in my project in the

> bin-path. But I can't use it, using

> using SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Data


> produces an error during compilation.


> What am I doing wrong?


> regards

> Luzia


> "SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:hk3R5lypEHA.3120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

> > If what you want is a different series for each different value of


> > (Datattyp), you need to use the CrossTab data provider. The CrossTab


> > provider is included in Chart FX. Information about how to use it can be

> > found under:

> >

> > Chart FX for .NET Programmer's Guide -> Passing Data -> Data Assembly ->

> > CrossTab Provider

> >

> > --

> > FP

> > Software FX

> >

> >



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Are you sure you added a reference to these dlls ? Make sure you reference 

the files from the <Program Files>\ChartFX\bin folder, once you add this

reference VS will copy them to your bin\debug folder




Software FX Support

"Luzia" <spam_no_spam@bluewin.ch> wrote in message


> sorry for being impatient, but I still couldn't use the CrossTab

> Dataprovider, please help!


> Thanks in advance

> Luzia


> "Luzia" <spam_no_spam@bluewin.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:zsW9yG8pEHA.3120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> Hello FP


>> yeah, that's what I need. But now I have similar problems with activating

>> the CrossTab Dataprovider as I had with the Annotations.


>> I have the ChartFX.Data.dll and ChartFX.Data.xml in my project in the

>> bin-path. But I can't use it, using

>> using SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Data


>> produces an error during compilation.


>> What am I doing wrong?


>> regards

>> Luzia


>> "SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>> news:hk3R5lypEHA.3120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> > If what you want is a different series for each different value of

> Column3

>> > (Datattyp), you need to use the CrossTab data provider. The CrossTab

> data

>> > provider is included in Chart FX. Information about how to use it can

>> > be

>> > found under:

>> >

>> > Chart FX for .NET Programmer's Guide -> Passing Data -> Data

>> > Assembly ->

>> > CrossTab Provider

>> >

>> > --

>> > FP

>> > Software FX

>> >

>> >





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No, I didn't add a reference to these dlls (sorry, I don't know how...)

But I guess the annotations work the same way, and I don't have any

reference to the annotation dlls.

The fact is, I have these dll-files in my project in the path <project>\bin\

what do I have to do in addition?



"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Are you sure you added a reference to these dlls ? Make sure you reference

> the files from the <Program Files>\ChartFX\bin folder, once you add this

> reference VS will copy them to your bin\debug folder


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

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To add a reference you must

- Open your project in VS

- Select the Project - Add Reference menu item

- In the .NET tab select the assembly you want to reference (e.g.


- Click OK

You will see the assembly in the References node (Solution Explorer)

VS will copy the assembly to the project\bin folder when compiling.




Software FX Support

"Luzia" <spam_no_spam@bluewin.ch> wrote in message


> No, I didn't add a reference to these dlls (sorry, I don't know how...)


> But I guess the annotations work the same way, and I don't have any

> reference to the annotation dlls.


> The fact is, I have these dll-files in my project in the path

> <project>\bin\


> what do I have to do in addition?


> Regards,

> Luzia


> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:leQT6XuqEHA.4004@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> Are you sure you added a reference to these dlls ? Make sure you

>> reference

>> the files from the <Program Files>\ChartFX\bin folder, once you add this

>> reference VS will copy them to your bin\debug folder


>> --

>> Regards,


>> JC

>> Software FX Support



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Hello JC

Thank you very much, that was it. I only _thought_ that I already did this,

but I was in the wrong menue, sorry. The Scatterchart works now perfectly

with the crosstabdata.



"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> To add a reference you must


> - Open your project in VS

> - Select the Project - Add Reference menu item

> - In the .NET tab select the assembly you want to reference (e.g.

> ChartFX.Annotation.dll)

> - Click OK


> You will see the assembly in the References node (Solution Explorer)


> VS will copy the assembly to the project\bin folder when compiling.


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

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