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Can legends be shown in one single column?

User (Legacy)

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I'm exploring the trial version of ChartFX for .NET.

I found out that the legends can take more than half the space of a chart,

because they are shown in multiple columns. Is there a way to show those

legends in ONE column (with a virtical scroll bar would be nice) in side a

bar chart?

Thanks for your help

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The legend box don't provide scroll-bars. They will show in ONE column by

default but if the space is not enough the legend box will expand to

multiple columns.

Setting the property "DrawingArea" to false in the Series Legend Box object

(chart1.SerLegBoxObj.DrawingArea) will give some extra space as it will

allow the legend to use the top and bottom margins.

Of course there are cases when the space is simply not enough.

Note: You can control the width and height of the legendbox manually by

using the With and Height properties in the Series Legend Box Object.



Software FX, Inc.

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