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Smoothing Pie Chart Edges

User (Legacy)

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Is there a way to smooth the edges of a pie chart.

Have tried setting the TypeEx property but I am unsure if this

is correct or even the right thing to do.



here is the code i am working with.



<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<% Option Explicit %>

<!-- #include file="../einclude/common_utils.asp"-->

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIEExtra.inc" -->


'Create the chart object

Dim oChart

Set oChart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

oChart.Chart3D = false

oChart.Gallery = PIE

'White background

oChart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

oChart.Border = True

oChart.OpenDataEX COD_CONSTANTS,2,0

oChart.ConstantLine(0).Style = CC_BACKONLY

oChart.ConstantLine(1).Style = CC_BACKONLY

oChart.ConstantLine(0).Value = 10

oChart.ConstantLine(0).LineColor = RGB(139,137,137)

oChart.ConstantLine(0).Axis = AXIS_Y

oChart.ConstantLine(0).Label = "Line 1"

oChart.ConstantLine(0).LineWidth = 1

oChart.ConstantLine(1).Value = 50

oChart.ConstantLine(1).LineColor = RGB(139,137,137)

oChart.ConstantLine(1).Axis = AXIS_Y

oChart.ConstantLine(1).Label = "Line 2"

oChart.ConstantLine(1).LineWidth = 1

oChart.CloseData COD_CONSTANTS

oChart.TypeEx = oChart.TypeEx Or CTE_SMOOTH


<%= oChart.GetHtmlTag("250","300","Image") %>

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