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accessing Sections property from client side script

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I'm trying to access the Sections collection of a Chart from MouseDown event

handler in a JavaScript script to permit a WebUser to highlight a chart

area, whith no results.

In general I am able to capture client side events and set Chart properties,

but I can't access Section objects contained in "Sections" collection.

Any one knows how can I do?

How do I can set a color, background color for instance, where in C# code I

would use, for instance, System.Color.Yellow?

Here is a sample of the scripts I'm using:

<script language="javascript" >

var selMin = 0;

var selMax = 0


<script language="javascript" event="MouseDown(

nButton,nClicks,nHitType,x,y,nSeries,nPoint,obj )" for="Chart1" >

selMin = - (x / Chart1.AxisX.PixPerUnit * Chart1.AxisX.Step );


<script language="javascript" event="MouseUp(

nButton,nClicks,nHitType,x,y,nSeries,nPoint,obj )" for="Chart1" >

selMax = - ( x / Chart1.AxisX.PixPerUnit * Chart1.AxisX.Step );


<script language=javascript event=PostPaint(w,h,objGraphics) for=Chart1>

Chart1.AxisX.Sections[0].From = selMin;

Chart1.AxisX.Sections[0].To = selMax;

Chart1.AxisX.Sections[0].BackColor = 0xeeeeee;




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