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Y axis ScaleUnit vs. spacing

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I am using ChartFX in VB6 to display graphs of large numbers.  To make them

readable, I use the .ScaleUnit property of the Y axis. But when I do this,

there's a large amount of whitespace to the left of the axis, almost as if

it was leaving room for the extra digits that are not displayed due to the

scaling. Does anyone know if this is a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Settings I'm using on the chart that may be pertinent:

.Gallery = BARS

.Palette = "Gray Scale"

.AxesStyle = CAS_MATH

.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).Decimals = 0

.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).Font.Name = "Swis721 BT"

.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).Font.Size = 7

.Axis.Item(AXIS_X).Visible = False

.View3DDepth = 35

.Volume = 60

.TopGap = 14

.LeftGap = 1 'Was set to 35, appears to make no difference

.RightGap = 0

.BottomGap = 53


.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).Decimals = 2

.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).ScaleUnit = 1000000000

.Axis.Item(AXIS_Y).Title = "$ Billions"

(JPEG image of graph is attached)


Eric Law

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