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standard deviation, fft

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You have to calculate these functions in your code. Chart FX does not make

any statistical calculations on it own.

We are building an Statistical extension that will cover this functionality

but that is still in its early stages.



Software FX, Inc.



What you want is to start on the first point right ?

Setting MarkerStep to 6 will put the first marker in point number 6 (6th

point), I think what you need is to start of at the first point so that you

have markers at 1,7,13,18,...

To do this, set the MarkerStep to -6

Setting to a negative value makes it start at the first point. I believe we

failed to mention this in the docs.



Software FX, Inc.



I'll build that in my ASP application.

Thank you!

Paolo Capitani

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You have to calculate these functions in your code. Chart FX does not make

> any statistical calculations on it own.


> We are building an Statistical extension that will cover this


> but that is still in its early stages.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.




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