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why image and not activex?

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I'm tryng ChartFX IE edition,

I want to allow to my customers to edito the graph, so

I'm looking for showing toolbars.

Using the tag <object> it's works fine.

Using an ASP page, the graph always show as a static


For example:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>






Set Chart1 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

' General Settings

Chart1.TypeMask = &H69C0D02&


<%= Chart1.GetHtmlTag(300,300,"Auto","Chart1") %>



Where I'm wrong?

Thank you,

Paolo Capitani

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<%Chart1.GetHtmlTag(300,300,"Auto","Chart1") %>

Means that you are leaving the decision on what component to send to the

server component (by specifying Auto), this decision is made based on the

Browser's user-agent, a header sent by every browser on each request.

What browser are you using (Name and Version) ?

Check our the following KB articles in our support site for troubleshooting


Q1461008. Troubleshooting the ChartFX ActiveX control component

Q1411009. ChartFX displays an image even when GetHtmlTag has been set to


Q1691000. How to ensure auto-detection of the component version on the

client machine

Q1692001. Why Can't I Generate ActiveX Charts in IE6?



Software FX, Inc.

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I have changed "auto" with "ActiveX".

Now it works fine.

Thank you!

Paolo Capitani

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Calling:


> <%Chart1.GetHtmlTag(300,300,"Auto","Chart1") %>


> Means that you are leaving the decision on what component to send to the

> server component (by specifying Auto), this decision is made based on the

> Browser's user-agent, a header sent by every browser on each request.


> What browser are you using (Name and Version) ?


> Check our the following KB articles in our support site for


> tips:



> Q1461008. Troubleshooting the ChartFX ActiveX control component


> Q1411009. ChartFX displays an image even when GetHtmlTag has been set to

> "Auto"

> Q1691000. How to ensure auto-detection of the component version on the

> client machine


> Q1692001. Why Can't I Generate ActiveX Charts in IE6?


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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