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Constant Line

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You can use the Axis of the new object. Although it won't be exactly the

same as on the chart object:

With FinExt.MACD

.Visible = True

.Space = 15

.SpaceGap = 15

.SignalPeriod = 14

'using the axis

.Axis.Decimals = 2

.Axis.Step = 0.25

.Axis.Format = AF_CURRENCY

.Axis.CurrencySymbol = "#"

End With


"Chase Gale" <cgale@fxsol.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> I'm using the latest version of VB with the latest version of your ChartFX

> client (Financial Extension).


> I was wondering if it is possible to get the handle of the new axis that


> created when a technical indicator is displayed.


> Thanking you in advance,


> Chase Gale



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