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charts do not show colors

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1. I am using series charts and result does not display curves according

to the color assigned to each chart. Any help?

2. Another problem is:

in my plot, I have month on x-axis and corresponding data for y-axis.

When November and December month do not have data, the curve tapers off to

zero instead of stopping at no data point. For the previous years, we have

all months data and smooth curves are displayed. Any idea to stop curve

tapering off?



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I figured out my first question.

However, for second question, please look in attached file.

What is the solution to remove solid vertical(red) line and slant dotted

line on the right corner?

Let me know if you need further explaination.



"Shailesh Patel" <shailesh@urnerbarry.com> wrote in message


> Hi:

> 1. I am using series charts and result does not display curves


> to the color assigned to each chart. Any help?


> 2. Another problem is:

> in my plot, I have month on x-axis and corresponding data for y-axis.

> When November and December month do not have data, the curve tapers off to

> zero instead of stopping at no data point. For the previous years, we have

> all months data and smooth curves are displayed. Any idea to stop curve

> tapering off?


> Thanks.


> Shailesh



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I tried to use this method. But as I noticed this method is not available.

Is it limited to full version only?

I use OpenDataEx method (since neither OpenData method as suggested was

available nor it was found in help files) and folloing lines of code but did

not work.

chart.Series(x).Yvalue(j) = CHART_HIDDEN

chart.Series(x).Xvalue(j) = CHART_HIDDEN

Thanks in advance.


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> How are you passing data to the chart ? If you are using OpenData use the

> COD.AllocHidden flag to initialized unassigned points to hidden instead of

> zero. To use COD.AllocData you ca do:


> Chart1.OpenData(COD.Values | COD.AllocHidden, numSeries, numPoints);


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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I got rid of one (out of 2) unwanted line by passing CHART_HIDDEN constant

to Yvalue.

However, I cann't remove dotted red line which points to 0,0 origin.

In my graph, normally each year has 53 weeks. But, in this particular case

that year has 52 data point and assumes last point as 0,0. I tried to assign

CHART_HIDDEN constant but did not work.

You can refer to the chart attached with this mail.

Do you have any suggestion to remove that line?

Thank you.


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Sorry, I was thinking .NET here !


> chart.Series(x).Yvalue(j) = CHART_HIDDEN


> Should work fine, make sure you include CFXOCX.BAS as part of your




> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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I checked with data editor and tried to set zero data as CHART_HIDDEN


But the chartfx program was not taking into account and adding y as 0.00

Is there any code that supress y=0 to CHART_HIDDEN?

Also another problem I noted was

chart.Axis(AXIS_X).Format = "DMMM-dd-yyyy" gives me conversion of date with

1900 as year and the tooltip date-data did not match with actual date-data.

Any suggestion, please?



"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Check with the data editor, you still have some points that are

> uninitialized and hence they are zero.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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