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Question about forcing a "realtime" XY chart

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I am curious if there is a way that I can pass x and y values into a

table at differing times. By this I mean that I am getting information from

a source that gives me the X and Y data at different time and in different

function calls( caching this data to write them together is not my

problem ). The problem that I have run into is the fact that I do not know

how to force ChartFx to not over write old points when I pass new ones in(

which is why I currently use the COD_ADDPOINTS and COD_REALTIME flags to add

data to charts that do not need X values. Is there a way to do this? I

could store all the points and write them all at once, but that could

potentially be a large amount of data to hold onto. Is there a way that I

could keep track of the array index of XValueEX and ValueEx and then add

point that way? Does OpenDataEx flush its data if not passed the

COD_ADDPOINTS flag? Also what exactly does the COD_REMOVE flag do inside of

the CloseData function?

BTW I am using chartFx in VC++ w/o MFC.

Thanks in advance.


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1) COD_ADDPOINTS is not supported for X-Values in Chart FX 5.x (Charts with

X-Values can not use COD_ADDPOINTS),

2) Data is not removed when new data comes in, doing OpenData COD_VALUES,

Series+1,Values+1 will keep all data as it was and will add 1 new point for

each series, and one whole new series. But the data that was there will

remain unchanged.



Software FX, Inc.

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Question about the second part:

Do I have to add all of the same point over again? From what I gather that

you are saying I have a scenario like this:

OpenDataEx( COD_VALUES, 2, 1 )

ValueEX[0][0] = NUM

ValueEX[1][0] = NUM



OpenDataEx( COD_VALUES, 2, 2 )

//does this need to be done again?

ValueEX[0][0] = NUM

ValueEX[1][0] = NUM

//Or can I just do this?

ValueEX[0][1] = NUM

ValueEX[1][1] = NUM


what I am trying to do is just add more points to the same amount of

series.....is what I did correct?


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> 1) COD_ADDPOINTS is not supported for X-Values in Chart FX 5.x (Charts


> X-Values can not use COD_ADDPOINTS),


> 2) Data is not removed when new data comes in, doing OpenData COD_VALUES,

> Series+1,Values+1 will keep all data as it was and will add 1 new point


> each series, and one whole new series. But the data that was there will

> remain unchanged.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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No, you don't need to do it again,

ValueEX[0][0] and ValueEX[1][0] will remain unchanged.

This is easy proved by building a small test program with two buttons:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

ChartFX1.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 2, 1

ChartFX1.ValueEx(0, 0) = 10

ChartFX1.ValueEx(1, 0) = 20

ChartFX1.CloseData COD_VALUES

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

ChartFX1.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 2, 1

ChartFX1.ValueEx(0, 1) = 30

ChartFX1.ValueEx(1, 1) = 40

ChartFX1.CloseData COD_VALUES

End Sub

You will see that data assigned in Command1_Click remains after doing




Software FX, Inc.

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  • 1 year later...

In an old post you wrote:

> 1) COD_ADDPOINTS is not supported for X-Values in Chart FX 5.x (Charts with

> X-Values can not use COD_ADDPOINTS),


I should use ChartFX for creating charts with:

1) multiple series of samples (X,Y)

2) samples in different series having X values belonging to the same value range (e.g, real numbers from -1,234 up to 54,67) and always increasing

Series Samples

1 (21, -1.2), (19, -1.13), (1, -1.05), (13, -1.01),(41, -0.3), (22, 7.2), (13, 8.56), (41, 9.3)

2 (21, -1.25), (19, -1.23), (1, -1.02), (13, 18.5), (41, 19.3), (22, 27.2), (13, 28.01),(41, 29.3)

3 (21, -1.09), (19, -1.03), (1, 1.05), (13, 1.71), (41, 5.3), (22, 7.21), (13, 8.01), (41, 19.3)

Note that in different series, X values are independent.

3) I have to add samples in different chunks, ie., a first block of ten samples in a first step, a second block of 100 samples in a second block, and so on.

4) I want unlimited chart (i.e., i cannot foresee in advance how much samples i will manage, but if NSamples > MaxSamples i can throw an exception).

The limitation you describe is still valid?

Is there a workaround to reach the same result?

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Lroenzo Saladini


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The limitation:

> COD_ADDPOINTS is not supported for X-Values in Chart FX 5.x (Charts with

> X-Values can not use COD_ADDPOINTS),

Applies ONLY to real-time charts, charts with a circular buffer that scroll

automatically as the buffer cycles. This restriction DOES NOT apply to

regular charts.

Also, in Chart FX 6.2, X-Values are supported in real-time charts. What

platform are you sing ? (COM, .NET, Java ?)

> 1) multiple series of samples (X,Y)

Multiple series are supported.

>2) samples in different series having X values belonging to the same value

range (e.g, real

> numbers from -1,234 up to 54,67) and always >increasing

X-Values are independent by series. They can be the same for all series or

different. Your choice.

> 3) I have to add samples in different chunks, i.e.., a first block of ten

samples in a first step, a

> second block of 100 samples in a second block, and so on.

Depending on what do you want to do with the old points as you add new ones,

you may or may not need a real-time chart. If you are simply adding points

"forever" not having a predetermined buffer size, you don't need Real-Time

charts and therefore won't be affected by the restriction described above.

Also, if you are using Chart FX 6.0 or higher, this restriction does not

apply to you.

> 4) I want unlimited chart (i.e., i cannot foresee in advance how much

samples i will manage,

> but if NSamples > MaxSamples i can throw an exception).

You can add data to a chart a any time simply by increasing the number of

points. For example:

chart.OpenDataEx (COD_VALUES, <number of series>, <old number of values> +


' Set he data for new 100 points (old points will remain untouched)

chart.CloseData COD_VALUES



Software FX, Inc.

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