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Align labels to x-axis

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cfx.ClearData CD_VALUES

I am trying to align my labels with the x-axizs with the example that was

given in the post "y axis Align with labels, how to?"

It works great when I use a recordset as the data source but when I use an

array nothing happens.

Here is my code:

cfx.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style = cfx.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style Or AS_CENTERED

cfx.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = cfx.Axis(AXIS_X).Style Or AS_CENTERED

cfx.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, UBound(arrChartData, 1), UBound(arrChartData,


For lngRowCnt = 0 To UBound(arrChartData, 1) - 1

cfx.Series(lngRowCnt).Legend = arrChartData(lngRowCnt, 0)

Next lngRowCnt

For lngRowCnt = 1 To UBound(arrChartData, 1)

For lngColCnt = 1 To UBound(arrChartData, 2)

cfx.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(lngColCnt - 1) = arrChartData(0, lngColCnt)

cfx.ValueEx(lngRowCnt - 1, lngColCnt - 1) =

IIf(IsNull(arrChartData(lngRowCnt, lngColCnt)), 0, arrChartData(lngRowCnt,


Next lngColCnt

Next lngRowCnt

cfx.CloseData COD_VALUES

I tried putting:

cfx.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style = cfx.Axis(AXIS_Y).Style Or AS_CENTERED

cfx.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = cfx.Axis(AXIS_X).Style Or AS_CENTERED

in multiple places but nothing works. Any ideas?


Daniel Reber

Datamasters, Inc


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I want all of the x-axis labels to be aligned with it's points (correct

term?) Right now if the labels don't fit horizontally then the rest are not

displayed. I want all of the labels to be displayed.

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What do you want to get ? what are you getting ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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